How to enter GEMM4x4 Mudmaster
As per Motorsport UK’s latest guidance entrants must book and complete all paperwork online, pre-event.
Unfortunately, this means no cash payments or physical signing-on forms can be used or accepted on the day of the event.
- You must not be Isolating, Shielding, Quarantining or suffering any symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
- You must not live in an area or be subject to any local or national lockdown restrictions.
- You must have a valid & acceptable Club Membership. If you do not have one you can complete a BAMA membership form HERE and make the payment along with your entry fee.
- You must have a valid Motorsport UK Competitors License of at least RS Clubman level. If you do not have one you can apply for free HERE.
- You need to read the Supplementary Regulations HERE.
How to book:
- Book and Pay for your event by buying a ticket HERE. (Including BAMA Membership(s) & Shepherd Compelle Motorsport Road Section Insurance* if required.)
- You will require all Driver & Navigators details, inc. Club Membership and Motorsport UK License numbers to complete the process.
- Please ensure you select the correct Class.
- Complete a Signing-on and Scrutineering Declaration (Separate form required for Driver & Navigator).
- RS Clubman License holders click HERE.
- Upload the required documents with the link provided.
Refund Policy – If Mudmaster is cancelled or you can not attend for Coronavirus (COVID-19) reasons / restrictions any fees paid will be refunded by BAMA.
*If you already have suitable Motorsport Road Section Insurance please contact who will help you enter without the additional cover from Shepherd Compelle